New Patient Offer

New Patient Offers

In Office Bleaching for $299.00
Regularly $490.00

For all New Patients by request, when having a
cleaning and/or exam.

$500 Off Invisalign

For all New Patients by request.

Complete the form below or call our office to take advantage of these offers.
Offers expire 02/17/2025.

Michelle Watson

She just completely changed my smile. It changed my way of feeling, my self esteem. He just brought my smile back; I owe him my smile. It’s just amazing, the work he did. I just can’t thank him enough for everything that Dr. Anderkvist did for me to get my smile back. It’s just amazing.

I was the type of person who wouldn’t smile to anyone, I would not smile, I would hide my teeth. If I had to laugh, I would cover my mouth with my hand just to laugh and after having all of this work done by Dr. Anderkvist, here at Westwood Dental Smiles, it was a whole different me. I laughed, I showed my smile to everyone, and they were just astonished. They were just surprised, it’s a totally different you. You’re a totally different person. And they were just happy to see me smiling again, especially my family.

New Patient Offers

In Office Bleaching for $299.00
Regularly $490.00

For all New Patients by request, when having a
cleaning and/or exam.

$500 Off Invisalign

For all New Patients by request.

Complete the form below or call our office to take advantage of these offers.
Offers expire 02/17/2025.