New Patient Offer

New Patient Offers

In Office Bleaching for $299.00
Regularly $490.00

For all New Patients by request, when having a
cleaning and/or exam.

$500 Off Invisalign

For all New Patients by request.

Complete the form below or call our office to take advantage of these offers.
Offers expire 02/17/2025.

Dental Implants For Better Health & Better Looks

Dental Implants For Better Health & Better Looks

Hello Folks!

We hope that you are enjoying this California autumn. With Thanksgiving approaching, it reminds us how many things we have to be thankful for in the Golden State. And we definitely have lots to smile about.

That said, we know that if you have lost any of your adult teeth, you probably won’t feel much like smiling this holiday season.

Hopefully, you consider a permanent solution for tooth loss that we offer at Westwood Dental Smiles, dental implants.

Dental implants are an effective way to restore the health and appearance of your teeth.

Your Health Will Decline

When you lose teeth, it can be a traumatic experience. It will be embarrassing, and it could be dangerous for your health.

One of the ways this situation will take its toll is in the reduced functionality of your teeth.

When you are missing teeth you won’t be able to effectively chew all the fiber-rich foods that help regulate your heart, weight, blood sugar, and other systems.

You will begin to make bad meal choices based on what you are able to chew, and your health will begin to suffer.

You Won’t Look Your Best

When you lose teeth, your cheeks tend to cave in adding years to your look.

Plus, wherever you have empty slots where your teeth belong, it will make you feel self-conscious and less self-confident.

You won’t want to talk, laugh, or take meals around others any more than you have to.

What Can Dental Implants Do For Me?

Dental implants are a marvel of modern dentistry that can change your life forever, for the better.

At Westwood Dental Smiles, the implant process actually starts with a small titanium screw that is surgically embedded into your jaw by our team during your first appointment.

These posts are proven to be biologically compatible for replacing the roots of your teeth, without causing any infections or nasty side-effects.

3-6 months later, during your second visit, a crown will be attached to each post, restoring the look and feel of your natural teeth.

It’s a simple and effective way of getting back the bite force needed to eat healthier foods. Moreover, your dental implants will add support to your facial structure, making you look younger.

Look younger, and live longer! That sounds like a pretty good solution, right?

Pain-Free Implant Surgery

Our L.A. dental office provides the most modern forms of sedation and anesthetics to make your dental work a positive and pain-free experience. Options include nitrous oxide, as well as oral and IV sedation for more severe cases of anxiety.

The best part is that we don’t use any needles. When it comes to your numbing anesthetic, we will use a gentle delivery technique known as The Wand.

The Wand use computer assistance to slowly and painlessly deliver just the right amount of numbing agent to your gums.

At Westwood Dental Smiles, there is no reason to let fear and anxiety keep you from getting the implants you need to restore health to your mouth.

Contact Westwood Dental Smiles Today!

To schedule your implant consultation, Contact our L.A. dental team today!

New Patient Offers

In Office Bleaching for $299.00
Regularly $490.00

For all New Patients by request, when having a
cleaning and/or exam.

$500 Off Invisalign

For all New Patients by request.

Complete the form below or call our office to take advantage of these offers.
Offers expire 02/17/2025.