A while ago, people use to look down on cosmetic dentistry. It was considered vain to want a beautiful smile, and only actors and politicians bothered with such treatments.
Times have changed, and now people are starting to realize that a beautiful smile can have far-reaching effects.
Here are some benefits to getting cosmetic dentistry that aren’t related to someone being vain and self-centered.
- Build your self-confidence: Getting your smile to look great is similar to getting a new outfit that looks great on you. Have you ever gotten a job interview and then realized you didn’t have professional attire to wear for it? Or you’re just about to head into the interview and suddenly realize you have a stain on your shirt? Both of those can shake you and make you feel less confident even if the other person never looks at it. That’s true with your smile. If your teeth are stained or chipped, you will be less confident. If you get cosmetic dentistry treatments like teeth whitening or veneers and finally have a winning smile, your self-confidence will rise — and everyone deserves to feel good about themselves.
- Help you when meet new people. Similar to boosting your confidence is having a better reaction from people when you first meet them. You know the importance of first impressions and how you cannot redo them. If you meet someone new with a mouth full of damaged, ugly teeth, you are going to be worried about how they’ll react. If you catch their eyes darting to look at your smile, you won’t be smiling for long. Now imagine having a mouth full of white, healthy teeth and meeting someone for the first time. Not only will you be more confident, the other person will be more likely to react friendly towards you. None of that is being vain. It’s being smart.
- Protect damaged teeth from getting worse. Some cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening just make your smile look better. But some can help protect damaged teeth from getting more damaged. For example, dental veneers will cover over any cracks on the front of your teeth. This can prevent such cracks from getting longer with all the pressure you put on the tooth while chewing.
- Make vacation photos work. Thanks to cell phones, it’s easier than ever to take photos. You used to have to worry about having enough film and paying for developing the photos, so you tended to take fewer ones. Now, you can take literally hundreds of photos and share them around the world in seconds. When you go on vacation, instead of just having a few dozen pictures of you and family near some landmark, everyone there can have hundreds. Once placed online like with Facebook or Instagram, there’s a real chance the photo will stay there forever. That means your unattractive smile will be permanently on the internet for lots of people to see. Do you really want to frown in all of those vacation photos? Getting your smile fixed and made beautiful again will help make those shots more fun and memorable. It’s not vain to want to make sure those photos will be fun to look at.
- Help your career. It may be a little sad, but it’s the truth. People who look professional can get more job opportunities and promotions than people who do not. If you show up to work with a bad haircut and dirty clothes, you won’t get fired — but your supervisor certainly won’t think of your first is a promotion opens up. Such decisions should be based solely on who works better, but in the real world, looks matter. If you have ugly teeth, that’s like having a bad haircut that never goes away. Cosmetic treatments from our Los Angeles, CA dental office not only improve your self-confidence, it can improve your career by making you look more professional. Making a smart career move has nothing to do with vanity.
- It can motivate you to better dental care. Think back to when you got a new car or home. You probably took very good care of it. If your car is now old and beat up, or your home has become outdated, you are probably going to be less motivated to take good care of it. When your teeth look bad, you aren’t going to be motivated to take proper care of them. Why worry about getting a cavity if your smile already looks horrible? But when you get cosmetic treatments and have a winning smile, you will be more motivated to take proper care of your teeth. They look so great, why let them get bad again? Improving your dental health like this isn’t vain, it’s healthy.
If you’re ready to boost your confidence, protect your teeth, and better your career, call us at 310-208-4084 today or fill out our online appointment-form for your next appointment.