New Patient Offer

New Patient Offers

In Office Bleaching for $299.00
Regularly $490.00

For all New Patients by request, when having a
cleaning and/or exam.

$500 Off Invisalign

For all New Patients by request.

Complete the form below or call our office to take advantage of these offers.
Offers expire 02/17/2025.

Family Dental Care In LA, Part One

When people in other parts of the country think of Los Angeles, they think of Hollywood movie premiers and models on the beach, but that is only a small part of life in southern California’s most famous city.

Los Angeles is also filled with families, not television families, but regular, everyday families just like you’ll find in any other city in America. One thing all these families need is quality dental care, and that’s where Westwood Dental Smiles comes in. We use state of the art technology and years of expertise to provide your family with the top notch dental care they deserve.

Small Children

Dental care may be fairly low on your list of priorities when it comes to the youngest members of your family. They either don’t even have teeth, or are just starting to get them, so why should oral hygiene be a concern?

If your children eat, then oral hygiene is a concern. Even if they are only drinking milk, bacteria can still form on their gums, so you should be sure to wipe their gums with a warm wash cloth a couple times a day. Consider it brushing for babies! This will help protect their gums from irritation caused by bacteria, and when their teeth do come in, it will be into a mouth free of bacteria.

If you young ones already have a few teeth, don’t neglect to brush them. Use only a tiny dab of fluoride toothpaste, and start cavity protection right away.

Older Children

The older children in your family are to ones most prone to cavities. They are old enough to brush and floss on their own, but they are likely not particularly diligent about it. Combine this with the fact that kids love candy and other sweets and you have a perfect storm for tooth decay.

You can help your children protect themselves from tooth decay by brushing with them. Take the time to make sure they they are brushing properly, especially their back teeth and tongues. The molars are hard for your children to reach, so they often don’t get the brushing they need. And their tongue is a haven for the bacteria that causes tooth decay.

Preventing tooth decay is very important for children, even though they will be losing their baby teeth and getting permanent ones. The permanent teeth use the baby teeth as a guide when they come in, so if your children lose their baby teeth prematurely due to tooth decay, then the permanent tooth may come in crooked. This will cause alignment issues that will have to be addressed when they get older.

At Westwood Dental Smiles, we provide another way to protect your kids from the hazards of tooth decay, dental sealants. Dental sealant is a thin tooth colored resin that fills on the tiny cracks and grooves on your teeth. It is a safe and painless way to give your child extra protection against tooth decay. Sealants are especially helpful for protecting the back teeth that are so hard to reach with a toothbrush. Dental sealant will keep food particles and bacteria from getting stuck in the cracks in your teeth.


As your children grow into teenagers, their dental concerns do not disappear. Certainly, they are more able to take care if their teeth on their own, and hopely you have taught them a healthy oral hygiene routine by this time, but teenagers are not known for making the best decisions, which could affect their oral health.

The teenagers in your family are starting to get their first real taste of independence. They are likely involved in a number of afterschool activities, whether they are sports, clubs, or even a part time job. This means that your teenagers will be eating away from home more often. You can only hope they are making healthy food choices, but chances are their dinner will consist of a blue raspberry slushie and beef jerky.

Poor eating habits can take a real toll on your teenagers’ teeth, and while you can’t be there every minute to make sure they are eating right, you can make sure they are coming to Westwood Dental Smiles for regular cleanings and examinations.

Make An Appointment

Westwood Dental Smiles welcomes your whole family to come to our office for a detailed cleaning and a thorough examination, after which we will consult with you about what type of dental care is best your family.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment for every member of your family.

Check back soon for more for part two in our blog series about family dental care at Westwood Dental Smiles

New Patient Offers

In Office Bleaching for $299.00
Regularly $490.00

For all New Patients by request, when having a
cleaning and/or exam.

$500 Off Invisalign

For all New Patients by request.

Complete the form below or call our office to take advantage of these offers.
Offers expire 02/17/2025.