New Patient Offer

New Patient Offers

In Office Bleaching for $299.00
Regularly $490.00

For all New Patients by request, when having a
cleaning and/or exam.

$500 Off Invisalign

For all New Patients by request.

Complete the form below or call our office to take advantage of these offers.
Offers expire 01/12/2025.


Who Can Benefit From Dental Sedation?

When most of our patients hear that we offer a range of sedation options at our Los Angeles dentist office they assume it’s for one specific purpose: patients scared of dental care. While anxious patients tend to be one of the primary groups that benefit from sedation dentistry they’re hardly the only ones! There are a wide variety of reasons that sedation is an ever-growing option for dental procedures. You might be a great candidate for it and not even realize you could benefit! That’s what we want to cover today in the hopes that we can make your dental care experience all the more comfortable. Are You An On-The-Go Patient? Life can get hectic, and who has time to stop in the middle of all of it to take care of dental needs? Many a busy person has been brought down due to the needs for serious dental…


Fight Oral Cancer With Early Detection!

Cancer is the second greatest killer in America behind heart disease, and there are forms of cancer that don’t get the attention they deserve. One of those is oral cancer, which is often overlooked despite the 50 percent five year mortality rate. At Westwood Dental Smiles we don’t like those numbers. It’s our responsibility as dentists to help decrease the deadliness of oral cancer by detecting it early, reducing risk factors, and helping patients like you understand this dreadful disease. Detecting Oral Cancer Oral cancer has long been difficult to detect. Unlike some cancers that show signs early, oral cancer is often undetectable until it’s already quite advanced. Mosts cases of oral cancer are symptomless, making a simple visual inspection ineffective at discovering it until it has already metastasized throughout the body. At our Los Angeles dentist office we use the Velscope oral cancer screening system. This state-of-the-art device…


Ditch Your Dentures: Permanently!

How long have you been wearing those same dentures? Here’s a better question: how long have those same dentures been driving you mad? Those answers are probably pretty similar, because let’s face it: dentures are miserable. For as long as you’ve been wearing dentures you’ve probably been wishing there was a way to replace them with something better, and you might not even realize that there’s a solution available at Westwood Dental Smiles. We’ve been placing All-On-Four dental implants for years, and these amazing permanent full mouth bridges are the perfect way to get rid of your dentures for good! What Is All-On-Four? Using just four dental implants – titanium screws that mimic the function of tooth roots – we can attach a full arch of teeth that are fixed in place permanently. They look, feel, and function just like natural teeth and are remarkably functional. Once you get…


No Pain, Much Gain

Science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke once penned “Any advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” In other words, if something is so ahead of its time in design and technology, then for all intents and purposes, it might as well be magic because who among us is smart enough to tell the difference? This quote always pops into my head whenever a patient discovers the pain-free properties of my practice’s highly advanced, no-pain dental wand. A Pain-Free Solution To Needles The fear of needles is known as trypanophobia (go ahead, say that five times fast; I’ll wait), and for sufferers it is a debilitating anxiety condition that make it extremely difficult – if not downright impossible – to be relaxed enough to receive proper medical care of any kind. Throughout most of human history, needles of some form or another have been the best way that doctors have discovered…


Repairing The Foundation Of Your Smile

If you’ve ever had to go through the process of buying a home, one of the first things you probably checked out was the foundation. It’s usually high on the list of the necessary investigations that come with such an important investment, and rightfully so: Without a solid, long-lasting foundation, then it’s just a matter of when, not if, a major disaster will happen. Ask any contractor and they’ll tell you that a bad foundation is the number-one deal breaker when it comes to buying a home – not just because of the likelihood of a dangerous collapse or structural cave-in, but also because the necessary repairs can cost almost as much (if not more so) as the house itself. Unfortunately, we don’t get to pick our smiles in the same way, which might be why we treat them so differently. There is so much attention paid to the teeth…


Smile Correction On The Sly With Invisalign



Stand Out With A Whiter Smile

It’s hard to look good in L.A. When everybody is doing everything to look their best, you’ve got to work that much harder to stand out. Sometimes, though, you don’t have to do anything to stand out – but I’m strictly talking “sore thumb territory” here, because having a smile that is yellowed and dingy is a surefire way to get the kind of attention you don’t want. Worse yet is the effect that this kind of unwanted attention can have on your self-esteem. Living in a place where looking your best can literally be a full-time job will place an awful lot of stress on your shoulders. A lack of confidence can make it harder to go out into the world and get things done in the way you want to, and can hold you back at work, in your romantic life, or in your own sense of self….


Makeover Your Smile For Springtime In L.A.

Makeover Your Smile For Springtime In L.A. Welcome to the final February edition of the Westwood Dental Smiles blog! What brings you to our virtual home today? Are you… …bothered by certain aspects of your smile? …tired of feeling too embarrassed to open your mouth? …ready to do something about it? Great! Then we can help you with one of the great cosmetic dentistry solutions that we offer in our L.A. office. To get the ball rolling, you will need to schedule your spring smile makeover consultation. That will allow us to determine the best action plan for your current needs and budget. Until then, you can be thinking about a few of these treatments that might improve your situation: Dental Veneers Have the years been unkind to your smile? Our porcelain veneers are something of a catch-all cover-up for troubled teeth! Cracked, chipped, misshapen, uneven, and deeply stained teeth…


Healthy Habits For Optimal Oral Health In L.A.

Healthy Habits For Optimal Oral Health In L.A. Hello Los Angeles! Welcome back to the Westwood Dental Smiles blog. We are your trusted partner for oral health in California. As such, today we wanted to talk a little bit about best-practices for maintaining a healthy, happy smile, all through life. Are you… …wondering if you are doing enough to protect your teeth at home? …curious about what dentists can do for you? …eager to avoid painful and costly treatments down the road? Then this blog post will likely provide some answers as well as inspiration! Brushing Is Only The Beginning You already know that brushing your teeth is your basic defense against gum disease, tooth decay, and what-not. But did you know that the ADA suggests doing it twice a day for two minutes or more? Yep! It’s a quick and easy way to stay on track. But, remember, brushing…


Discover The Benefits Of Modern Preventive Dentistry In Los Angeles, California

Discover The Benefits Of Modern Preventive Dentistry In Los Angeles, California Welcome to another February edition of the Westwood Dental Smiles blog! Are you… …tired of worrying about your health? …serious about keeping your mouth clean? …ready to get the smile of your dreams? Great! Then we can help you change your life for the better with our comprehensive preventive dentistry services in L.A. Around here, we go to great lengths to ensure that we are optimizing your oral health with everything we do. Today, we’d like to highlight some of the pieces of prevention that we put into play once you’ve been entrusted to our care. Modern X-rays! It’s no secret that X-rays are an essential part of any thorough dental evaluation. It is part of the process that helps us detect any emerging causes for concern. Still, many patients are rightly concerned about the radiation exposure that goes…


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New Patient Offers

In Office Bleaching for $299.00
Regularly $490.00

For all New Patients by request, when having a
cleaning and/or exam.

$500 Off Invisalign

For all New Patients by request.

Complete the form below or call our office to take advantage of these offers.
Offers expire 01/12/2025.