Find the Natural Path to Whiter, Brighter Teeth
Our teeth are meant to be white. That is the color nature intended, and she was kind enough to give us some natural helpers when it comes to getting rid of dental stains. Mother Nature’s Teeth Whitening Helpers Oil Pulling – If you haven’t heard of this, you probably have no idea how putting oil of any kind can help whiten your teeth. Well, oil pulling has actually been around for almost 3,000 years. Oil pulling originated from the Ayurvedic medical traditions of ancient India. This makes it one of the oldest natural whitening treatments we know of. You can use coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil for your pulling treatment. Take a single tablespoon of the oil and swish it around in your mouth for 20 minutes. When you first start off, 20 minutes may not be reasonable. Most people who are starting an oil pulling routine start at 5…
7 Reasons Why Invisalign Beats Braces
When your smile is full of uneven, crooked teeth, you are not going to be happy. You know how bad your smile looks, and that means you have less confidence and self-esteem just knowing the smile looks that way. Orthodontic treatments will certainly help, but you probably do not want to deal with metal braces, rubber bands, and all of that. Besides, looking young is great, but braces can make you look immature. Thankfully, we offer a great alternative at Westwood Dental Smiles! Invisalign is a series of clear plastic aligners (similar to comfortable mouthguards) often called “invisible braces.” They gently guide teeth to where they should be, giving you an even, beautiful smile. If you’re wondering if you should choose braces or Invisalign, here are some ways Invisalign is a much better choice. No staining from cemented brackets. The metal brackets used by braces are cemented to your…
Modern Dentistry Needs Modern Technologies
Our world is full of technological marvels. Two decades ago, no one thought we’d be able to pull up websites on our phones or order groceries online. While not every technological change is good, we are still able to do much more than ever before. In dentistry, this means we have many new technologies we can use. At our Los Angeles, CA dental office, we stay on top of new advances in dental care. After all, if you want modern treatments, you need modern technologies. Here are some of the state-of-the-art tools we have for you. VELscope: Some people think dentists only work on teeth, but we can do much more than that. We have a cutting-edge piece of technology called VELscope. This system uses a special light. Normal, healthy tissue in your mouth will glow green. Any abnormal spots will be dark instead. These spots could be normal…
Why Cosmetic Dentistry Isn’t About Vanity
A while ago, people use to look down on cosmetic dentistry. It was considered vain to want a beautiful smile, and only actors and politicians bothered with such treatments. Times have changed, and now people are starting to realize that a beautiful smile can have far-reaching effects. Here are some benefits to getting cosmetic dentistry that aren’t related to someone being vain and self-centered. Build your self-confidence: Getting your smile to look great is similar to getting a new outfit that looks great on you. Have you ever gotten a job interview and then realized you didn’t have professional attire to wear for it? Or you’re just about to head into the interview and suddenly realize you have a stain on your shirt? Both of those can shake you and make you feel less confident even if the other person never looks at it. That’s true with your smile….
Shhh! The Restorations That Are Almost Impossible To See
Long ago, a lot of dental work involved a mixture of metals called an amalgam. Gold, silver, and even small amounts of mercury were mixed together. Dentists would use this for fillings and even dental crowns. While it worked to repair the damaged tooth, it didn’t look very good. Whenever you talked or smiled, you showed off a mouth full of metal. Very few people were proud of that, but there wasn’t much they could do. Thankfully, things are different these days. At our Los Angeles, CA dental office, you can get restorative treatments that repair damage and get your teeth back — but are almost impossible to notice. A restored smile that looks natural, who wouldn’t want that? Here are the treatments that fix teeth without being noticeable. Composite resin fillings: Metal amalgam fillings work. It’s not like they are bad for your teeth. They are also more…
How Four Implants Improve Your Dentures
You hoped this day would never come, but now it’s here. You have to decide if you are going to get dentures. You may remember seeing people with dentures when you were a child. You may have thought it was amusing, weird, or even a little scary to see someone’s “teeth” come loose inside his or her mouth. Now you are facing that same decision. Will you just get dentures, or will you choose the benefits of implant-supported dentures instead? You may be concerned about the cost or the recovery time after having implants placed. Westwood Dental Smiles can help you with both of those concerns with the All-on-4® dental implant process. The Implant Advantage To explain how dental implants make any teeth replacement (dental crowns, bridges, and dentures) better, we need to first explain what dental implants are. Let’s start with the basic anatomy of your tooth. You may…
Revive Your Vibrant Smile With Veneers
Your smile isn’t what you want it to be. Just look in the mirror or look at a recent photograph. What would you change about your teeth? Do you wish your teeth were straighter or whiter? Would you like to close the gap between your teeth or fix teeth that are chipped? You may be trying to find a dentist who can give you the smile that you have dreamed about having while you flip through the pages of celebrity magazines. If you live in or near Los Angeles, CA, then there is a dentist who can help. Cosmetic dentistry is an important part of our practice at Westwood Dental Smiles because we believe patients like you should have a smile that you are proud to share. A Smile That Shines Think about your ideal smile for a moment. What qualities would it have? The teeth would be straight. The…
Star-Quality Smiles Are Here For You
When many people think of California, they think of Hollywood. They think of actors and their sparkling white smiles being photographed at red carpet events. We know there is much more to The Golden State than Hollywood, but it doesn’t make the Hollywood smile any less appealing. One of the key qualities of this smile is its clean, white appearance. Unfortunately, that is extremely difficult to maintain with brushing alone. To restore the whiteness of your smile, you can visit Westwood Dental Smiles for professional teeth whitening. We offer two products that can get the yellow out of your teeth. Star-Worthy Treatment Most of us will never appear in a feature film or star in a summer blockbuster. Indeed, most of us don’t really have a desire to do those things. Nevertheless, we would like to look and feel our best. When we believe that we look nice, we feel…
Seal The Deal To Save Your Smile
In sports, it’s often been said that defense wins championships. The idea being that if the other team can’t score, then they will have a hard time defeating your team. If you think of your mouth as an arena, there is a contest taking place there every day. Your team includes your toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss. The other team includes bacteria, plaque, and tartar. The other team is trying to score by causing you oral health problems, like tooth decay and gum disease. Westwood Dental Smiles is here to be your sixth man. However, we are friends with a free agent who can improve your defense like a shot-blocking center. This free agent is dental sealants, and you can sign them at our California dental practice. Worth The Price Professional athletes often go into free agency claiming they are looking for a chance to win a championship. Many fans…
What Can Gum Disease Do To Your Body?
People talk a lot about cavities and what they can do to your teeth. They’re ugly, they hurt, and they can eventually cost you a tooth. The real danger in your mouth, however, isn’t tooth decay: it’s gum disease. The same bacteria that causes your teeth to become filled with cavities also affects your gums, and the consequences for your mouth – and your body – are far worse. We spend plenty of time treating gum disease at our Los Angeles dentist office, and in that time we’ve seen plenty of patients who’ve suffered serious complications because of it. Not everyone takes gum disease seriously, but you really need to – the alternative can be disastrous! What Is Gum Disease? Oral bacteria is always present in your mouth. Most people have more than 300 strains living on their teeth and gums! When oral bacteria is exposed to sugars in…