New Patient Offer

New Patient Offers

In Office Bleaching for $299.00
Regularly $490.00

For all New Patients by request, when having a
cleaning and/or exam.

$500 Off Invisalign

For all New Patients by request.

Complete the form below or call our office to take advantage of these offers.
Offers expire 02/17/2025.

Begin Your Dream Smile this Summer with Invisalign

Sweet summertime here in Los Angeles, California is the best time of year! There is so much going on, and how could you not love the California sun? We love being in LA this time of year because there’s so much to smile about. The only question we have: is your smile ready?

It’s great to go out and have fun at the LA Zoo or catch a game at Dodger Stadium. However, it feels even more amazing to do so with a great smile! If you feel self-conscious about crooked teeth or gaps between your teeth, we can help with an Invisalign orthodontic solution!

Don’t underestimate the power of having a beautiful smile on your side. You probably don’t even realize how often you hide your crooked teeth, but once the problem is corrected, you won’t be able to stop smiling! The best part is that we can correct your alignment without anyone else knowing you are having dental work done! Let’s take a look at how it works.

The Old Way is Out

Traditionally, a misaligned smile would be treated with metal brackets and wires to pull the teeth into the correct position. There are a lot of smiles that could really benefit from orthodontic work, but the patient is afraid of this treatment and all of the embarrassment it entails. Take a closer look at the issues that come along with this type of treatment.

Metal Wires & Brackets – We all know the nicknames: brace face, tinsel teeth, metal mouth. Metal wires and brackets stand out against your teeth. Not only that, but they can actually cause decay to form because they are difficult to keep clean. Plus, they just look ugly!

Discomfort – Metal doesn’t look great, and it doesn’t feel great either. The metal brackets and wires can cause a lot of soreness on your lips, cheeks, and tongue, especially at the beginning of your treatment. Why do you think patients wearing braces always have a packet of wax?

Lengthy Treatment Time – Maybe the worst part of traditional braces is how long treatment can sometimes last. Especially for adults, treatment time can take two to three years to complete! That’s a long time to have this uncomfortable treatment happening!

A Better Way: Invisalign

There is a better way to straighten your teeth. Invisalign clear aligners have completely changed the way we approach adult braces. We are far less likely to recommend traditional metal braces because Invisalign can often accomplish the same task with less discomfort to the patient!

Clean, Gentle Care – Aligners are made of smooth, invisible plastic, which means they won’t be seen by the people around you. They are also not going to collect food like metal braces because you can remove the aligners when you eat and brush them at the end of each day!

Comfortable Aligners – Invisalign aligners are made of a smooth plastic that fits snugly over your teeth. The result is a comfortable smile! Your lips and cheeks will not be snagged on wires, and you’ll never have a need to carry wax!

Shorter Treatment Time – While metal braces can take years to complete treatment, Invisalign average treatment time is 12-18 months! You can get the results you are looking for in the most efficient way possible with Invisalign clear aligners.

Remain a Confident Adult!

The best part about the Invisalign process is that you never have to feel like a geeky middle school student wearing braces. You are a confident adult, and you should stay that way! Don’t let braces make you self-conscious when you can wear clear aligners to achieve the same smile results.

Once your treatment is complete, you will have even more reason to smile with your newly shaped grin! You’ll never hide your teeth behind your hand again! We even recommend doing a teeth whitening at the end of your treatment to give yourself a brand new look for the world to see!

Call for Your Consultation Today!

It’s time for you to get the smile of your dreams. Don’t hesitate out of fear of an embarrassing orthodontic treatment plan. We will get you great results while you continue to live and smile confidently. Contact our office today to let us know when you’d like to begin! We can’t wait to see you and your smile very soon!

New Patient Offers

In Office Bleaching for $299.00
Regularly $490.00

For all New Patients by request, when having a
cleaning and/or exam.

$500 Off Invisalign

For all New Patients by request.

Complete the form below or call our office to take advantage of these offers.
Offers expire 02/17/2025.